products and services. 3. Greater personalization of communications and processes We mentioned that through digital marketing you can ensure not only that you always deliver the right message to the right person and at the right time but also that you can thoroughly analyze the results of your marketing campaigns . I'll give you a concrete example. Imagine for a moment that your business offers financial services and you want to send special offers to users who have viewed your products. Obviously you know that you will get better results if you target the offer based on user interest and therefore decide to prepare two campaigns:
the first campaign is designed for young families who have taken a look at your life insurance products the other campaign is designed for millennial entrepreneurs who have taken your retirement plans into consideration. How can you collect all this data Austria WhatsApp Number without automatic tracking? How many phone records should you review? How many customer profiles? And how do you know who has or hasn't read the brochure you sent? The answer lies precisely in digital marketing which allows you to obtain all this data in an extremely simple way, unlike traditional marketing which is not always able to give you these answers and - certainly - never so detailed.

Measure results in real time One of the big differences between traditional and digital marketing is what's called measurability . If you place an ad in a magazine, how do you know how many people saw that ad? How many have read it? How many have talked about it with friends and relatives? How many customers arrived after that advertisement? More complex to understand, don't you think? In fact, there is no foolproof way to know if that ad will be responsible for any sales. With digital marketing, however, you can monitor every aspect of your campaigns - who saw them, who read them, who shared them, who interacted,