Let's define the initial data from the start: are you looking for a dream employee or are you reading this article with an eye on the future? Perhaps your search has reached a dead end, and you are not sure whether you can get out of it with the required result? In any case, the question you are most likely facing is: "How to select an employee who will strengthen the business."
Of course, we could categorically state that virtual phone number service amateurism in matters of personnel selection does not lead to anything good and the only correct solution is to turn to professionals (that is, directly to us ). But, respecting freedom of expression, we offer you 3 methods of recruiting. Well, and the choice, as always, is yours.
Option one - independent selection
You are the owner of a stable company. Your current manager adheres to a rather conservative management model, which, although it ensures stable operations, clearly does not utilize the potential of the company's entire resource base.
You, being a progressive person, understand that this management model will lead to stagnation and the eventual collapse of your life's work. Therefore, you decide to change the top manager. Who are you looking for? A decisive, responsible, creative, educated person with the highest level of expertise. Delegating such an extremely important task here seems like a rash decision, so you take the reins into your own hands and begin your own search. What you will encounter and what alternative costs you will incur are described in detail in our article . And here we will limit ourselves to a laconic presentation of the pitfalls of independent selection:
1. Time is money. Calculate how much money you lose by recruiting personnel yourself. To do this, simply multiply the cost of an hour of your time by the number of hours spent writing a job description, posting it on various platforms, contacting potential candidates, screening incoming resumes, studying and selecting them, interviewing for hours, checking references, and composing a job offer (this is only in an ideal scenario, which is very rare). We are sure that the figure will impress you.
2. You may not have solid experience in recruiting, which means you risk spending quite a lot of time studying the current situation on the labor market and mastering the relevant technologies. But time is not only money, but also priceless moments spent with family, friends, or alone with yourself and your favorite hobby. Do not risk destroying this already fragile balance of "work - personal time", this can lead to professional burnout.
3. Your access to the list of candidates is very limited.

If you have already enjoyed the delights of personal participation in filling vacancies or after the pitfalls described above you do not even think of doing it yourself, then you have another option: to assign this task to an internal executor, especially if you are the happy owner of an HR department.
3 ways to recruit staff
It would seem that there is no better option: on the one hand, professionals take on the case, on the other hand, you do not have to pay extra for their services. But is everything so smooth? And why do companies with large, professional HR departments often become our clients? Here are possible reasons:
1) You are looking for a high-level manager. Everything is obvious here, a subordinate should not and cannot select a manager! Moreover, there is something like an unspoken "rule of good manners": Successful and experienced candidates are very wary of managerial vacancies announced not by a recruiting agency, but directly by the employer.
2) It is necessary to find highly qualified specialists for vacancies in the specifics of which “internal recruiters” do not have sufficient experience.
3) At the moment, your HR department's full-time specialists are heavily loaded with current work and other functions. In this case, when they take on the selection, they can significantly delay the process, which is especially detrimental to your business in a situation where the issue of filling a vacancy hangs like the sword of Damocles.