Mentions, resulting in , , impressions. And the hashtag HotSalemx generated mentions with , , impressions. As can be seen from the number of impressions, the hahstags generated a lot of noise and visibility of the phenomenon. The participating banks that obtained the most mentions were Citibanamex with of the mentions , Bancomer with of the mentions , HSBC with of the mentions and Santander with of the mentions . Of these, Citibanamex achieved . positive mentions on social networks.
Compared to negative. The rest had no negative mentions, only positive and neutral ones. As for the most mentioned brands, we have Amazon with mentions that is, , Mercado Libre with mentions and BestBuy with mentions , which undoubtedly positions Amazon Digital Marketing Service as the great favorite of online shopping for Mexicans, since it is also the one who has the greatest positive feeling in proportion, since of its mentions on social networks , are positive against negative.
Mercado Libre has positive mentions against . negative and BestBuy has . positive mentions and . negative mentions. The department stores with the highest number of mentions during those days were Palacio de Hierro, with . positive sentiment, Liverpool with . positive sentiment, and Sears, completely neutral. Hot Sale is an initiative of the Mexican Online Sales Association and around companies participate in it, so every year is a good time to take advantage.