These connections show how technology and ideology can work together to shape the future of our society .Regulation according to NIS Requests for exemptions and too many powers for NÚKIB. What are the comments on the cyber law?MARTIN DRTINA. . NEW OPINIONSShareShare on Facebook Share on Twitter Autor DepositphotosWhat bothers me the most is the incomprehensibility and regulation regarding the security of supplier relationships.
Who wants to change the upcoming cyber security law and how?In presenting the Chinese American Phone Number List duties that must be fulfilled by mandatory subjects with higher importance (essential) , in the last part we ended with the analysis of risks and the search for a way to manage them. Today, in the series Regulation according to NIS, we will interrupt the analysis of the upcoming decree regulating these obligations and take advantage of the fact that all received comments on the draft of the new law on cyber security are published on eKlep.
It is thus possible to get a comprehensive idea of how the rest of the state administration views the ideas of the National Office for Cyber and Information Security (NÚKIB) on the implementation of the NIS directive. Let us remind you that the original deadline of July was extended by a few days, which most subjects took advantage of and expressed their dissatisfaction on the last day of the deadline, i.e. July .