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Why is storytelling vital? Ill keep it short to highlight the importance of storytelling in your communication strategy While we were faced with 00 advertising messages per day in the 0s, today there are ,00 ads fighting for our daily attention. 00 advertisements per day compared to 00 in the 0s However, our attention span has not evolved, or rather it has, but not in a good way Studies show that, under the pressure of the content that is offered to us, our attention span has gone fromseconds in the 0s totoday. Or less than a goldfish how to attract attention with a BB blog post.The challenge is enormous to attract the attention of your target and above all to retain it. The Albania WhatsApp Number challenge is even greater to convince her to buy. But communication has always held its fatal weapon to overcome it. Unfortunately, a lot of companiesYou? Your competitors?did not realize it. This communication weapon is storytelling. of Storytelling? Discover our training courses discover our digital marketing training coursesSLN Mastering the stages of storytelling a valuable skill Storytelling is a valuable skill for all of the following strategies and actions.
Communication on social networksInbound MarketingEmailingEmail MarketingAnd even commercial prospecting! For communication on social networks, you easily understand the importance of storytelling users are there not to follow your news but to keep in touch with their network. To capture the attention of these users, the community manager must know how to master the stages of storytelling to build a strong story. Regarding Inbound Marketing, storytelling is also essential. Inbound Marketing is a strategy which consists of educating your market by offering content with high added value to your target.